Certainty through precision

Our commitment to social and environmental responsibility

As a business we believe we have a moral obligation to support those around us, not just the people who work for us, but those in the wider community and the environment. To this end, we are committed to making a difference and measure our performance as documented in our Inpress Corporate and Social Responsibility Policy in three key areas:

  • Economic
  • Social
  • Environmental

We believe we have a moral obligation to support those around us, not just the people who work for us, but those in the wider community and the environment
Our company values are defined in the Inpress 5

At the heart of these are the purpose, performance, attitude, and skills of our employees. Our company values are defined in the ‘Inpress 5,’ and it is these that are embedded in everything we do to demonstrate our commitment and continually improve our performance.


Water consumption compared to 2022


Reduction in landfilled waste since 2021


Electricity purchased as REGO Certified energy


Reduction in scope 1&2 emissions since 2021


Validation of Sharpak Zero carbon footprint calculations

We recognise we are in a climate and ecological emergency and are committed to taking meaningful action to minimise the impact of our necessary manufacturing as follows:

We choose sustainable, renewable, natural resources wherever possible. We met the UK government’s climate change opt out levy targets 3 years early meaning that today we use 20% less energy to process each tonne of plastic – and we continue to push for more

We strictly adhere to the requirements of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

Wherever possible we internally recycle all our waste into our own products, and the remaining waste is sorted for external recycling. Any non-recyclable waste is sent for energy recovery to minimise its environmental impact.

We provide a clean, healthy and safe working environment and operate in accordance with our Health and Safety Policy Statement

To support our ambition to be a Net Zero carbon emissions business, we constantly strive to minimise our use of resource and the environmental impacts it generates. We engage our employees, clients, and suppliers and show leadership within our industry and community to reduce their environmental impacts


Accident frequency rate


Voluntary work in the community and local schools


Hosting work experience events


Offenders participated in rehabilitation program


Offender rehabilitation program advice

People are our greatest asset, and we work hard to ensure the wellbeing of those who work at Inpress and those in our community who need a helping hand. We endeavour to support them in the following ways:

To maintain safe and welcoming working environments for all our employees

To fully recognise our responsibilities to operate in a manner that ensures everyone is treated with dignity and respect, and we seek and respond to the opinions of our employees and clients

To actively support financially or otherwise, local councils, communities and charities by providing employment, apprenticeships and placement opportunities for local and disadvantaged people


Of senior management team are women


Accreditation achieved to enhance our data security


Training attended by management team


Non-executive chairman

We champion working with small and medium-sized suppliers (SMEs) and local suppliers as appropriate

We comply with all legislation, standards, statutory and other obligations, and best practices which are relevant to our activities and the jurisdictions in which we operate

We maintain an Anti-Bribery and Corruption policy

We seek to comply with client policies where required and reasonably possible to do so without conflicting with our own policies or other obligations

We actively ensure we are compliant with the requirements of the UN global compact and have action plans in place to improve our performance in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

We operate in an open and honest way with our employees, clients, and suppliers. We seek to develop positive and lasting relationships, and are focused on ensuring the safety and quality of our services

We believe in mutually beneficial partnerships; we respect our suppliers and strive to pay them in a timely fashion

What we have achieved so far

Our material planning and ongoing risk analysis provide us with valuable intelligence in our decision making and selection processes as we move towards a more efficient and recycled future. Our commitment has been demonstrated as follows:

Working through UN approval processes, we have successfully trialled products to reduce polymer content of sharps bins by 25%

We have reduced the energy taken to produce the Sharpak range by 43% in the year to July 2021